
OMG! GUYS! So you have to check this out. I recently collaborated with a LA blogger who runs the blog Envision Pretty. She featured my boutique and a few pieces of C+I jewelry in a post last night! Envision Pretty is a wonderful blog for many many reasons. One, unlike many popular blogs who feature louis vutton, hermes, and all of the wonderful brands that very few of us can afford… she actually posts beautiful clothes, beauty products, and food that we CAN afford! Many of her outfits include items from Marshalls or TJ Maxx and she always posts links to where you can get her look. Her posts go to show you that you really can look like a million bucks without having to spend it. And two, she is such a sweet, down to earth person I think we’d all like to be friends with her. Many people these days won’t work with people who don’t have clout or look down on people who haven’t ‘made it’ yet, but Danielle was amazing to work with and from her posts you can see she really is a genuinely lovely lady. 

Check out the post here:

Here’s a sneak peak 🙂

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